Architecture and sculpture are a pair of arts like sisters. The East Building of Washington National Art Gallery provides the opportunity for IM Pei's showcase architecture and Henry Moore's sculpture, and makes them to be inter-dependent with each other. Being inspired by oriental gardens, IM Pei created the naturally staggered structure and spatial relationships for the East Building of Washington National Art Gallery. Henry Moore took both entities and space as formal elements. He boldly and freely alienated the shapes and made them to be a kind of rhythmic spatial forms. If we say IM Pei regarded architecture as sculpture, however, Henry Moore regarded sculpture as architecture. "Knife Edge Two Piece" has become an integral part of the space of the East Building of Washington National Art Gallery. 建筑和雕塑一直是一对姊妹艺术,她们都是三维的,可触的,雕塑主要是依附于建筑发展而来的。