几千年来,以欢庆丰收、辞旧迎新、拜祭祖先、恭喜发财为主题的中国年节,一直都是以隆重、喜庆、狂欢展现它的民俗特色的.它的红火热闹的表现形式至少应该是视觉艺术的华美鲜艳、五彩缤纷和听觉艺术的鞭炮齐鸣、锣鼓喧天.但是,近几十年来,中国年节的民俗传统越来越黯然失色,无声无息.先是经历了"文革"极左思潮"扫四旧"的摧毁,人们无可奈何地过了十多年的"革命化"春节,后来又受到了"全球化"市场经济大潮的猛烈冲击,商家炒作变了味儿的圣诞节捞取钱财,青年学子不得不以过西方节日为时尚,使中国的年节越来越缺少了年味儿,使几代人失去了传统年节的文化记忆!In the course of "K" will be unavoidable. analyzing the economic growth, the estimation of capital stock In recent years, there are some scholars both at home and a- broad have estimated the capital stock in China. Because of the difference in the method and detail, the results have some disparity. To the minority areas in our country, it is more difficult to estimate the capital stock because of the shortage of the statistics. The purpose of this article is to estimate the capital stock of Inner Mongolia based on the re- search results and relevant statistical data so as to remedy the relevant document vacancies.