Li Benchang is a well-known artist of China who was born in 1949 and received professional educations in Yunnan Arts University. As a national painter, Li used the technologies of photography and painting to fully present the great charm of nature. After devoting himself to the fine arts for more than 40 years, Li Benchang achieved great success in the artistic field and created many impressive artworks. 沉默厚重的深蓝,含蓄内敛的暗红,当这两本装帧雅致、简约的艺术作品选呈现在眼前时,我很惊讶,由云南美术出版社出版的摄影作品选《向往西部》和油画水粉画作品选《写生光与热》,竟出自一位业余爱好者之手。