
日期:2014.01.01 点击数:3


【作者】王斌 余辉 


【关键词】 清代 外销油画 保护性修复

【摘要】油画保护性修复是基于对绘画材料属性研究与修复保护的一种科学阐释.为了对中国古代油画进行科学的保护和修复,以清代一件"美国货船油画"为研究对象,围绕项目检测和修复方案制定展开深入研究.采用x射线荧光光谱仪、数码显微镜、紫外荧光等仪器并结合化学试剂测试对清代外销油画结构与画面表层污渍及棕色斑点进行分析.检测结果表明,棕色斑点中铁含量较高,应为铁锈.在保护修复中,应针对画面中锈斑进行清洗修复.'Protective restoration is a conservation method based on analysis of painting materials and approaches to restoration. A Qing Dynasty export painting was used as an example to test this approach to the conservation and restoration of ancient Chinese oil paintings in a systematic scientific way. The project was discussed in terms of analytical requirements and restoration plans. X - ray fluorescence spectrometery ( XRF), digital microscopy and UV fluorescence spectroscopy were used together with chemical tests to characterize the painting materials and the composition of surface stains and black and brown spots on the oil painting. The analytical results show that the black and brown spots have high iron content, which suggests that they might be rust from the iron in the tin plate. In this case_ th~ mnin ,~,~1 ~ ~t, : a






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