Happy Beach-Li Ronglin's Oil Paintings
日期:2003.01.01 点击数:3
【摘要】LI Ronglin got his bachelor's degree in Fine Arts from the China Academy of Art, and went on to postgraduate studies at the oil painting department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, where he now works as a teacher. Li's achievements are an indication of his talent. While studying he was awarded the Luo Zhongli Oil Painting Scholarship and the Wang Jialian Oil Painting Scholarship. Hard
- 1、小小事特别多 年份:2010
- 2、默恋微凉(三) 作者:叶冰伦,李奥 年份:2012
- 3、哥特王子桃心殿(一) 作者:米米拉,TUVG Daisy 年份:2012
- 4、《海洋》:生命原本在摇曳中灿烂 作者:赵二宝 年份:2011
- 5、方文山写厌了情歌 作者:萧师言 年份:2011
- 6、传世青花瓷自顾自美丽 作者:杨弋 年份:2014